top 10 2015 | wedding
top 10 2015 | wedding

It’s that time again. It’s time to look back at some of the best photos from 2015. Everyday we’ll be taking a look at a new category. Voting is open till 8am and the winners will be announced Monday. The winning entries will each receive a 16×20 print.

Today’s category: Wedding

All the other stuff is great, but really, when you get to the bottom of it, weddings are all about two people getting married. I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of photographing couples on theirday. Here are a few of my favorites form the past year.

1. Talia & Andrew (Stonegate Mansion)

2. Stephanie & Max (Lake Tyler Petroleum Club)

3. Breelyn & Tyson (Chapel Creek Manor)

4. Katie & Trevor (THE SPRINGS Event Venue)

5. Kallie & Chase (Pecan Springs Ranch)

6. Shelby & Damon (The Arbor)

7. Chelsea & Ryan (Stone Oak Ranch)

8. Melanie & Aaron (Le Beaux Chateau)

9. Chasity & Adam (The Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception)

10. Heather & Austin (Castle on the Lake)

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Beth & Tim | Year 1
Beth & Tim | Year 1


Right after I photographed their wedding, I mentioned that I had never seen a groom be more tenter towards his bride.  1 year later, Tim still holds the title belt.  I have such great memories of their wedding at Stone Oak Ranch and I KNEW they would be the perfect couple to check in on after their first year of marriage.  Enjoy.


What do you miss most about the single life?
Hahah, actually not a lot. Little things here and there; alone time, a different kind of freedom… But really we don’t miss it.

Give us your best cheapo/fun married date idea.
Build a fort in your living room, have breakfast for dinner, and watch a good movie (Tim always picks). We are the simple, stay home kinda people.
Getting ice cream and driving around looking at all the nice houses in our neighborhood and dreaming about one day…

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What have you liked most about your first year being married?
Waking up together, supporting one another, always having “my person” I can count on, figuring things out together, celebrating together,praying together. We like that we are forever together.

Tim: What have you discovered about Beth this year that you didn’t realize before?
How gracious she is and how she is able to forgive me on my off days.
Beth: What is one thing super gross thing about Tim that you learned now that you are married to him?
I wish I had something truly appalling but Tim is a lot of things but gross isn’t one… Not for a good story here but it makes living together much more pleasant.

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What have you fought about most and why?
Money! Because we both are independent and tend to want to control things in our own way. We have really had to work to understand each other and be on the same team when it comes to our finances and budgeting.

What was the biggest thing you were nervous about? How has it turned out?
Tim: I was anxious about the weight of responsibility and caring for my wife. It’s been a blessing to overcome selfishness and to learn (the beginning of) how to serve her and trust God as he leads us.
Beth: The first year being the hardest year of your life. It’s hasn’t been the simpliest year of life but we have really fought to have fun, give grace, forgive, and make memories together. We know more things will come but we have genuinely loved our first year of marriage.


What do you wish someone had told you before you were married?
We honestly have a phenomenal community and they did well to prepare us. I will say one thing that someone did say that I wish I heard more was that every marriage is different and part of the fun is learning and failing together to make it the best it can be.


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top 10 2014 | the winners!
top 10 2014 | the winners!

Wow, last weeks Top 10 contest was the biggest ever. There were over 4,400 votes cast. (You people have a lot of friends.) The bridal category had close to 600 votes and was decided by only 1 vote. Anyway, here are the winners for this past year. Be sure and shake hands and say good game before you walk off the field. You couples that won, you can go to bed tonight knowing you are champions. You couples that lost…. you can go to bed tonight complain about the officials.

Engagement: Band
Marriage is tough.
Balancing marriage and work is tougher.
Balancing marriage and work when you work at the same high school is tougher-er.
Balancing marriage and work when you work at the same high school and both your jobs depending on how well the halftime performance goes is the toughest.

So glad that Katie & Joe trusted me to pull of this shot. I love it.

Rings: Tweet
Nicole and Tyson met on Twitter. Yeah. Twitter. 140 characters at a time they fell in love. I would love to be there when one day they have to explain to their grandkids what Twitter was.


Brides: Emily
I’m sure many an Aggie bride has dreamed of drinking a pitcher of beer at the Dixi Chicken in a wedding dress. Emily actually pulled it off.


Mug Machine: Hair
Amanda and her friend had a KILLER wedding reception. It only makes sense that one of their Mug Machine images won.


Random: Flower
This may honestly be my favorite “lucky” photo I’ve taken this past year. You can never predict what little kids will do. I never expected her to jump in the air as she tossed petals left and right.


Wedding: Hug
It’s a bit ironic, but last year’s winning wedding image was also a hug that took place shortly after the ceremony. That’s such an unscripted time. It’s always full of so much emotion. I saw this moment unfolding and was so so glad that I was able to do it justice. Anytime part of your day involves the rebuilding of a family, I’m all in. Thank you Caleb & Sarah for trusting me with your wedding.


Thanks again to everyone who voted. It was fun. Let’s do it again next year.

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Beth & Tim | My Perfect Couple
Beth & Tim | My Perfect Couple


When I got home from this wedding, I Instagramed a photo of these two and said this: “I have photographed hundreds of weddings. I have never seen a groom be more tender towards his bride than Tim was towards Beth.”

As I edited and looked over every image I captured that day, I still feel that to be an absolute truth.

The depth and richness of their relationship seeped through every aspect of their day.  I felt so honored to be there.  I felt like I should be paying them.  Then I was all like… wait.  My kids need to eat.  Nevermind.

Beth and Tim were married at Stone Oak Ranch in Athens.  It’s a Top 10 venue and I love shooting there.  Also Moss made the whole day explode with floral goodness.


Beth knew exactly what she wanted in a dress.  But, unlike her groom, she could not find it in one place.  So she had one commissioned, that combined 3 different dresses on Etsy. :)


Every time I turned around, these ladies were laughing.  About everything and nothing, all at once.


Tim wrote in a little journal for her and as she was reading it she was tearing up, and then chuckled a bit.  I later asked her and she said that he had misspelled a word. :)


Beth and her mom shared a super sweet prayer before the day really got rolling.

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I told you Moss killed it with the flowers!  Call and book them! 903.787.8821

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This is when I started noticing Tim’s attention to detail.  When he opened the gift Beth had for him, he looked over every part so carefully.  The card, the box, the small stuff we tend to glance over.  He even flipped through and read every page in a photo book she had made for him.  I was standing there photographing him, waiting for him to go to the next gift, but he just kept looking at the photo book.  Page by page.  After a minute or so, I began to worry because I saw that there was another book.  A longer thicker book.


Sure enough, he opened this one to the table of contents and started looking over it.
(At this point I kinda freaked out in my head.  We are on a schedule bro.  I only allotted 5 minutes for “gift exchange” and you are making me nervous.)


Then he went to this pose.  He settled in.  He got comfortable.  I think he forgot I was there, and we were there, and he was getting married.  He was so engulfed with the perfect gift that Beth had selected that it was threatening to ruin my day!!!


He finally put the book down and we moved onto the business of this ever important “formal photos.”  This is Tim and his brother being “formal”.


Tim also picked out bow ties for each of his guys.  (I’m scared to know how long that process took.)


Boom!  Tim’s brother strikes with a perfect photo bomb.


Beth’s sister made these.  Because she is awesome.


Wedding time rolled around and I was waiting for it to start, when all of the sudden preacher man started talking.  I figured it was the usual, silence your cell phones, no flash photography announcement.

Wrong again, Alex.

Beth and Tim asked him to speak for about 5-10 minutes on what marriage is.  What it means.  What we strive for and commit to when we enter into this covenant.  And they asked him to do it BEFORE they came out because they didn’t want any of his words to be missed by the distraction of them, and their closest friends being up there.

They just wanted a not so subtle reminder for them and their guests that marriage is legit.

You don’t jack with marriage. (My words, not his.)

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Beth finally came out.  Tim cried.


When she got to the front, they spent some time just hugging and holding each other.  Because why not. :)
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While at the back, I saw this.  It has nothing to do with covenants, or marriage, or the sacredness of the moment.  But you can’t NOT photograph dinosaurs.  Right?

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After I finished their photos, I encouraged them to just take some time alone before heading back towards the wedding party and reception.  I looked over and found this.

Hello perfect moment.


I love it so much.  It totally captured their day and relationship.  It wasn’t a kiss.  In fact, I would not even call it a “hug.”  It was more of a “hold.”

As in, I’m here for you.  I’m supporting you.  I’m committed to you.  I’m in this moment with you and will be in so many more moments for years and years to come.

Marriage is hard.


All of these things are a part of it.

None of them are inherently bad.  But boy, do they sometimes feel like they are pulling you apart.

Knowing your spouse is committed.  Knowing they are there to lean on.  Knowing that you can always walk into a room and hold each other, regardless of whatever is spiraling out of control around you, is what keeps marriages together.

I loved getting to capture their first “hold” as a married couple.


I always like when this happens during a First Dance.

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And just when I thought I had seen it all…..  They go and give me a Marriage Monday quote on the side of their car.

“It is not your love that sustains the marriage, but from now on, the marriage that sustains your love.” – Dietrich Bonhoeffer


Thank you two for an amazing day.  I love you.

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Stone Oak Ranch | Vendor Interview
Stone Oak Ranch | Vendor Interview

This past December I was able to shoot out at Stone Oak Ranch for the first time.  It’s a fantastic venue and knew right away that I wanted to run a little interview with them.  Rhonda was nice enough to answer a few of my questions.  They do a fantastic job taking care of their brides so if you are looking for a place to get married in the Murchison area then you have to consider them.

How did you guys get started, how long have you been doing this?

We got started when I couldn’t find my sister a place to get married. I joke I was having a mid-life crisis & needed a boyfriend, a motorcycle, or a new job. A new job won out & we opened in April 2010!!
What is your favorite part about your job?

The creativity is by far my favorite part. Every wedding is as unique as the bride & groom. I like to try new ideas & “think outside the box!”

What is the craziest thing that has ever happened at your venue? (This of course does not mean that you were responsible for the crazy.)

we are in the country & our neighbors have a bassett hound that likes to visit during weddings….we normally are on the lookout & catch him on the way over, but one time he slipped by us & joined in on the father-daughter dance.

What are some things brides should look for when looking for a venue?

A place that fits her & her fiances’ personality! Where do they feel comfortable, weddings should be fun, you are hosting one of the biggest parties of your life! Next, the not so fun part, is budget, the villa in Southern France may not work! Finally time of year, inside vs outside, inclement weather plans, packaging, most of all….be flexible.

What is something unique to your venue that you are extra proud of?

I love our outdoor chapel. The one thing I told everyone was “I’m not a gazebo girl…” my best friend’s husband came up with the design & built it for the ranch!

Anything else you wanna say?

Just remember no wedding is perfect and the things that “go wrong” will make the best stories on your anniversaries! Most of all, it’s truly about marrying the person you love & starting a new life together, ….even if the cake is not perfect, or it rains, you still have each other through the good & bad.

Also, here are about 3.2 million photos from a recent wedding I shot out there. :)

Here is all of their contact info.

Stone Oak Ranch
10204 CR 3807
Murchison, TX 75778

Also, look for this spread from Kristi & Kiley’s wedding in the next issue of The Wedded Bliss.

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