we should be friends

Hi there, I’m AlexM and this is the part of my site where I try and charm you with my witty banter and adorable family.  See, you are laughing already.  Just wait till you scroll down a bit and see my adorable family.  They are adorable.  I feel like the luckiest guy in the world.  Every weekend I get to hang out with couples who are launching their marriage.  The very first day of their family.  I still remember the people who were there when Danielle & I were married.  It’s so strange to look back at those photos when it was just the two of us.  No kids, no idea of what the future held, we just knew we were going to travel on the journey together.  The coolest thing is now we have a 10, 8, 6, & 4 year old and THEY like to look at those photos.  They ask us questions about our wedding day.  And little by little our story becomes their story.  Getting to be a part of that for other couples is an honor.

  • “He values more than the photos that will become his portfolio – he values marriage as an institution. As much as I feel we made an investment in him, we truly feel like he made an investment in us as well.”

  • “He asked about us and what we did for a living. He wasn’t distracted or just making small chat… he genuinely wanted to know. I was hooked – hooked on his personality, what he offered and most of all on his work.”

  • “AlexM did such an amazing job that I feel like I should send him more money because every time I look through our photos I get more excited about them!  My BEST wedding planning decision… besides my hubby of course.”

  • “Alex perfectly captured our distinct personalities and took every insane idea we had and flipped it on it’s head and made it something only someone with natural creativity could capture.  he truly is a creative genius… only second to my beautiful wife.”

  • “He chased down my bouquet and a drink… And put up with my prissy dog!!!”

  • “You often see eBay feed back that says “A++++, Great Service, Great Communication, Would do business again!”. That pretty much describes my experience with Alex…. The only bad part, is that I won’t be doing business again with Alex. ;)”

  • “If you want boring, run-of-the-mill photos…don’t choose Alex M.”

  • “I honestly cannot stop looking at them and kind of want to send the link to anyone and everyone – even though that might be a little weird for complete strangers to see all 600 photos of my wedding day.”

  • “Alex seemed to totally get our personalities and style and captured every moment accordingly. Bottom line: he’s really cool, really talented, and worth every penny.”

  • “I think what really sets him apart is how much he actually cares about the couples he works with.”

my hot wife

Everything I am and have become is because of Danielle.  She is my biggest cheerleader.  She is the smartest woman I know.  She has a heart that overflows with love for others.  I have loved her since 1998 and been married to her since 2002.  In every new phase of life she has blown me away with her ability to adapt and become an even more amazing woman.  This photo of her was snapped after she had not showered in 2 days.  Her hair was in a pony tail, and she had just woken up.  Not bad eh? :)

our kiddos
    01. JOSEPH

    Firstborn & heir to the kingdom. Loves adventures, legos, and his iPod. Tenderhearted but always eager to wrestle.

  • SARA
    02. SARA

    The ONLY girl. A topic she reminds us of weekly. Sometimes during father daughter dances I think of her and tear up. True story. She melts my heart.

  • LUKE
    03. LUKE

    The funny one. He’s right in the middle and knows how to play it. “Baby” when he wants to be held. “Big Kid” when he wants to try things. He should have a twitter account.

  • ELI
    04. ELI

    I’m scared of Eli. He’s 1/2 Luke’s age but weighs the same. He will be able to beat me up in 4 years. He thinks he’s in charge. Soon he will be.

random facts
  • Fact #1

    There is nothing our little family enjoys more than piling up in our minivan and heading down the road somewhere. We have a blast hanging out at home everyday but there is something magical about cramming everyone in and driving off to explore a new place.

  • Fact #2

    I first discovered Freebirds back in 1997. My lovely wife went on to attend A&M University a few years later and also fell in love with the bird. We have since raised 4 mini birds who love to make little foil creations of their own.

  • Fact #3

    When Danielle & I were first married I barely knew how to use a screwdriver. Little by little and with much encouragement from her I’ve become a man. We even managed to build the kids a pretty killer fort a few years ago.

  • Fact #4

    Sometimes Danielle tells me that the only reason I wanted so many kids was so that there would always be someone to play video games with. Is that a bad thing?

  • Fact #5

    Our little family has been so blessed. Often times we take so much for granted. The more we look out and towards others the more we are reminded that there is so much more we can do.

  • Fact #6

    We drank the cool-aid. And then asked for seconds. If you ever want to hear me blabber on for an hour without stopping, ask me how much our family loves Disney World.

  • Fact #7

    I work at home. I have 4 kids. I’m a laid back guy. 99.9% of the time you’ll find me wearing a t-shirt. One day I’ll fulfill my dream of shooting a wedding in t-shirt. :)

  • Fact #8

    Sabbath is a “day of rest”. It’s how our family stays sane. Our sabbath is Monday. That’s the day when no one can reach us. That’s the day when emails pile up, the day when Facebook is ignored.  Monday is the day that our family is reminded that our work is not what defines our worth.

  • Fact #9

    I’m convinced that every single dollar that I’m supposed to be saving for my kid’s college fund is getting spent on Lego bricks.  My kids want them.  I’m a sucker for them.  We buy a lot of them.

  • Fact #10

    For our first date, Danielle and I saw a movie. We sat in her parent’s house and watched A Bug’s Life. We’ve been watching movies together ever since. Our most favorites are classics; Give us some Cary Grant & Katharine or Audrey Hepburn and we’re set.

  • Fact #11

    Back in the 9th grade I decided I was going to be in the NBA In the 10th grade I found out that was not going to happen. It’s okay, no hard feelings, I still love to watch basketball. It’s the only sport I follow and I’m kinda a geek about it.

  • Fact #12

    Did you know you can over-carbonate your own water at home?  You can.  It’s awesome.  You should try it.  I love my SodaStream.

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