Merry Christmas 2013
Merry Christmas 2013


Just wanted to say a little thank you to all my couples for making this past year so great.  Can’t wait to see what 2014 has in store.

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Natalie & Jason | Plano Wedding Photos
Natalie & Jason | Plano Wedding Photos


Natalie & Jason had such a chill wedding at Noah’s Event Center in Plano on a cold cold day in December.
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I promise I’m not exaggerating when I say that during their First Look Jason kept repeating the this phrase over and over.

“You are so beautiful.”

He must have said it 20 times.

I may have teared up.

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The guys took their portrait time very very seriously.
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Some people spend months and dozens of Pinterest hours looking for the perfect cake toppers.

Natalie told me they got theirs from a toy store about a week before the wedding.

I love smaller weddings because it really does feel like everyone is family.  This is them with all the “guests” from the day.
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How should we end the day?
Last dance?
Flower petal exit?

All too boring.

80’s movie High Five?  Yes!  Roll Credits!


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Katelyn & Chris | Dallas Stars Engagement Photos
Katelyn & Chris | Dallas Stars Engagement Photos

Katelyn is from Chicago, Chris is a Dallas boy.  They love sports and each other.

Where should we go for their engagement session?  Some place fun and romantic?  Maybe a picnic basket and a red & white blanket?  Nope.

How about someplace loud and rowdy where a fight might break out and they can get mad at each other?  Yes! Perfect!  A Stars & Blackhawks game!

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My favorite thing about these two is how Chris keeps Katelyn laughing.  It was hard to NOT get a photo of her just cracking up when they were together.
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Sometime around the 2nd period the photo session came to an end.  You see, Katelyn’s Blackhawks were beating Chris’ Stars 3-0.  Chris got a little grumpy.

That’s ok though.  (I work for the bride.)

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Meagan & Joe | Air Force Wedding
Meagan & Joe | Air Force Wedding


Meagan & Joe had such a fantastic wedding day at the Cathedral of St. Andrew in Little Rock, AR.

They had such a great time during their First Look; we are gonna jump straight to those photos. :)

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I love when couples have a chance to just sit and talk before their day gets rolling.  Joe said “I can’t believe people get married without seeing each other.”  Meagan kept going on and on about how he helps calm her down.  And now that she had seen him, she finally was able to settle down a bit.

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Most brides know it’s coming… most forget.  I love the giggle they always let out right after.
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Reception was at the Little Rock Club.   30 floors up. :)

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After the toast when the party was about to start, the guys took off their jackets to reveal theses amazing shirts.  They are their “Party Shirts.”


And party we did.
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Meagan & Joe, thank you for sharing your day with me.
Joe, thank you for your service.
Meagan, thank you for sharing your husband with our country.

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Camaro Love
Camaro Love

Megan & Stephen’s story began like most great love stories.

Boy meets car.  Girl meets car.  Boy & Girl meet at car meeting.

You see Megan & Stephen first met at a Dallas Camaro car club meeting.  At first they didn’t quite hit it off.  I asked Megan about this and this is what she had to say.

Megan: “He thought I was a heathen and I thought he was stuck up.”
Me: “Who was right?”
Megan: “Both of us.”

Little by little they realized they kinda liked each other.  Then one day the decided they liked each other enough to get married.  Along the way they found other things they like together.

Near the top of the list if video games.  They have 2 giant TVs where they play Xbox together.  And, despite the fact that Meagan is a Marine, Stephen seams to hold his own in the first person shooter games.
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After some fun at Dave & Busters we decided we had to include their babies in the session.

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Stephen, thank you for letting me place a flash on your car.

Megan, thank you for helping me beat Stephen at Pac-Mac.

You guys were a blast!

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