Plan For Anything So You Can Do Nothing
Plan For Anything So You Can Do Nothing

Can I let you in on a little secret about your wedding day?

Things will not go as planned.

I know I know, after months/years of planning it’s impossible to believe, but your perfect day may not go according to the timeline you have.  People will be running late.  Something will be forgotten.  A bridesmaid will have a hair appointment that goes longer than planned.  You know what though?  It’s OK.  There is a way to fix it.  Just plan for it.

Plan for the unexpected.  Set up your whole wedding day timeline and once you have it written out, move it back 30-45 minutes.  The best thing you can do is give yourself some breathing room on your wedding day.    Plan time to sit and talk with your bridesmaids.  Give the guys time to just hang out before the ceremony.  If these are the most important people in your life then an extra 30 minutes with them should be perfect.  Don’t just dress up all your friends in fancy clothes.  Make sure you have to to hang out with them.  Your day will go smoother.  Your stress will go down.  Your wedding will go as planned.


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