Extreme Makeover Home Edition | Mineola
Extreme Makeover Home Edition | Mineola

Has anyone heard anything about Extreme Makeover Home Edition coming to Mineola??? I’m kidding.  It’s probably ALL you have heard about for the past few days, so you may already be sick of the whole thing.  But, for those of you who are interested in more, I have had an inside look at this whole thing for a little while now.

I was contacted a few weeks ago about doing some behind the scenes shooting for when EMHE would be filmed.  I jumped at the chance and could not wait to get started.  This also led to me being able to photograph the Carr family before they went on vacation.  The show likes to do some family portraits so they have tons of images to fill up the new house.  (That is a crazy blog post with a story all of it’s own that I’ll tell you about later.)

It has been a blast being “on set” the past few days and here are just a few of the shots I’ve captured.

Anyway, if you want to find out more and learn about this amazing little family, you should go to the Bayless Construction website.  They are the builders heading up the project.  You can also view a live feed of the construction here.

Oh…. I guess the main reason you stuck with the post was because you were hoping to see a photo of Ty right?  Here is a shot of him right after they showed up and told the Carr’s they were getting a new house.

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