Don’t Reach Out & Touch Someone when you are on a date.
Don’t Reach Out & Touch Someone when you are on a date.

Danielle & I have two types of dates. The first is called a “Fake Date”. Those happen once a week after the kids are down. Around 8:00 or so, I’ll go out and grab some food and we’ll sit down and watch a movie or play a card game.

We also have “Real Dates”. Those happen every other week when we we drop the herd off at our friends’ house, and head out on the town for a real live sit down and have dinner date. We go to a place where people bring us food and water and take care of the dirty dishes. It is refreshing and wonderful. One of the things we love to do on our “real dates” is spot couples who are also on dates. I snapped these two photos in the past few weeks.

I had to go into spy mode to capture them. So I’m not sure if you can tell or not, but BOTH the husband and wife are on the phone. I’m sure you have noticed this trend. As we all fall more and more in love with our phones, sometimes we forget that they don’t love us back. The next time you are out on a date, or home for the evening, try this crazy idea:

Turn your phone off. Talk to each other. Look into each others eyes.

Then, log onto Facebook and update your status. :)

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